A partial list of the Affordable Computer Guy’s services:
Virus/Spyware Removal
Viruses and spyware can impede normal computer operation and expose the user to identity theft. The Affordable Computer Guy can remove spyware and viruses and return your computer to its operational functionality.
Hardware Failures
Hardware failure, normal as computer components age, can make a computer completely inoperable and lead to loss of personal data. Always back up your personal data to combat hardware failure. The Affordable Computer Guy can fix most hardware failures and can help set up backups to prevent future data loss.
Blue Screen Errors
Annoying and frustrating, blue screen errors usually indicate either a problem with the operating system or hardware failure. In order to prevent further damage to the computer and possible data loss, this type of error should be addressed immediately. If you get a blue screen you should write the error code down, usually the text that is in capitals in the middle of the error report, turn off your computer immediately, and seek professional assistance.
Software & Hardware Upgrades
Computers begin obsolescence the moment they leave the store. Upgrading software and hardware can make an old computer seem new, while adding new features. This is a suggested option for sluggish computers between 2-5 years old.
Network Installation (Wireless and Wired)
Sharing a private, secure internet connection is a great way to allow multiple computers to wirelessly access the internet simultaneously, plus allow file and printer sharing.
1:1 Tutoring
New advanced operating systems and a plethora of software options can seem complicated, foreign, and be a challenging commitment… The Affordable Computer Guy can help you learn the skills to be comfortable using your computer.
Operating System Configuration & Optimisation
The Affordable Computer Guy can make your computer run more efficiently by cleaning up unwanted software and optimising the operating system. This can also prevent many errors which can cause future data loss and greatly increase the performance of your computer.
In-Home/Office Service
Most services are offered in-home or office. For more complex jobs, we can even pick up your machine, fix it, return it, and hook it up – all for no additional cost.